Some of the earliest signs are ones that you may not even notice on your own which is why it is extremely important to have regular dental check-ups. The dentist will do a thorough oral cancer exam. It’s very simple and takes less than a minute. We look for anything that shouldn’t be there. Those early signs, early detection can really save lives because by the time you start feeling symptoms and signs, it may be an advanced situation.
The things to look for on your own if you’re looking in your mouth? Just look for anything that looks different from left to right, side to side. As far as feeling symptoms, a sore throat that won’t go away even after seeing your physician. The physician may put you on antibiotics if you’ve had a long-standing sore throat or neck swelling for a couple of weeks. If that doesn’t work, then further testing is extremely important.
One very ominous sign to look out for is neck swelling on one side. This is something that shouldn’t wait and you should see a physician right away.
Dr. Ronald Koslowski, DDS FACP is a Board Certified Prosthodontist and Dental Oncologist who practices in Encino, California. Dr. Koslowski is the author of “Take Back the Smile That Cancer Stole: The Cancer Patients Guide to Better Dental Health”, which is free to cancer patients and survivors who call our office to request a copy at 818-986-9036.
You can follow Dr. Koslowski on Facebook and Twitter.